10-30-2020, 09:19 AM
Home Maintenance Checklist: Complete DIY Guide for Homeowners: 101 Ways to Save Money and Look After Your Home
Imagine using your own two hands to look after your home…
Imagine staving off big bills for years…
You don’t have to imagine, it’s easy, it’s cheap and it’s called maintenance. And anyone can do it. But let’s be honest, home maintenance has a huge image problem. It’s not cool and it’s not sexy, but if you want to keep your stuff looking good, it’s essential you know what to look out for.
So relax a little, surrender to it, and since you can’t escape it anyway, let a little maintenance creep into your life. Your stuff will love you for it, and oh; the planet will quite like you for it too.
This book explains the principles and techniques you can use inside and outside your home; plus 101 things you can check and do, plus loads of useful tips and tricks from a professional craftsman and teacher.
So join me, and let’s get your house, your cabin (lucky you!), your boat (double lucky you!), your vehicles (yes, even your bike) and all your other stuff working well and looking great again…