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Plotting Simplified
We remember characters; we pitch plot. In Plotting Simplified you'll learn how to map your story using the "passage markers" that shape every story's journey. From introduction and motivation to your Lead's moment of maximum angst, you'll see how easy it is to develop a story line and keep your characters on the path to a compelling climax. Learn how to introduce the Great Disturbance, what 4 Questions you should ask of your plot, how to map-out your story, manage your key scenes, the 7 Keys to every good plot, whyWorry, Conflict and Disaster spells success for the writer, and how to introduce your Major Dramatic Question.

Been There, "Scene" That!
Making a scene is as easy as: ABCD. A good scene reveals information that moves the story forward (new goals, old secrets, hidden motives), shows conflict between characters (adds tension), deepens the character’s development, and creates suspense (introduces a new wrinkle that leaves the reader hanging). Learn the three keys to scene summary, how to create memorable moments in your story, what 4 questions you should ask of each scene. Learn professional secrets and begin crafting great scenes in just five minutes.

Dramatic Dialogue
Dialogue can breathe life into any fiction or non-fiction story. In this class we cover: Scene and space – A scene is: Doing (Action) Thinking (Narrative) and Talking (Dialogue). Tools– A writer has a number of tools for story building: narration, action, description, and dialogue Stickiness – How dialogue sticks with us Tags – When to tag, when to skip tags and where to place tags Types - Direct, Reflective, Misdirected, Modulated, Descriptive, Breathless, and Compressed Tips – When to circle back, go silent, and add gestures Punctuation – Where to put those marks and quotes.

Creating Compelling Characters
Compelling characters are larger than life. They risk more, laugh often and love with passion. In this session you’ll learn how to invent both likable and loathsome characters, winners and losers, heroes and villains. In this class you’ll learn how to build motivation, focus flaws, and and explore the feelings or your characters. You’ll see how conflict, crisis and consequences shape your characters. We’ll show you how to find the right character for your story, motivate your hero and heroin, and how the "off-beat sidekick" can provide comic relief for your story.

HI standing still, Have repped---you don't need any bro :) but still. Am replying here. could u pl share
(09-05-2022 12:07 AM)jan123 Wrote: [ -> ]HI standing still, Have repped---you don't need any bro :) but still. Am replying here. could u pl share

here you go


I'm another one who probably doesn't need any more reps but (despite those numbers) it still feels nice when someone clicks the ADD+REP button for me.

Doing so takes only a split-second. It doesn't take any money from you. And it acknowledges/thanks the person who provided value.

It's a give-and-take relationship, for sure, but one with room for a little bit of heart.

And since I'm here, if you need a PDF of StillStanding's great share, I converted it:


Magic Button :

for reading this!
Thanks guys. More than happy to rep both @stillStanding and @Layna61524 ,

I have repped so many people in the last few days, because they have a thread going. They have not bothered to share even after I have met their conditions.
You guys are the tops. Keep it up
@jan123: Thank you for the reps and I am truly sorry to hear of your experience.

Did you get back in touch with them via PM to see why they did not follow through with the share?

Do you think they are delivering the files via PM and maybe your PM is turned off?

Or perhaps your inbox is crowded so there is no way to reach you with a new message IF you have reached your private messaging limit?

Sometimes, depending on the share and the volume of requests, it may take a bit longer for the OP to get around to everyone. In that case, just give it a little more time.

Also, being that people have lives outside of this forum, anything could be keeping them away --- like an out-of-town trip or some unexpected event.

But if it has been longer than a few weeks, then I would simply reach out to them.

Just ask about it.

If you don't get a response in a reasonable timeframe, you might choose to put these people in your Ignore list so you won't encounter them again. It's easy. In your user control panel (User CP) settings, look for the contacts options --- you can add or remove usernames to the Ignore list.

So now you know not to go for shares from people who simply want to cheat the system with unearned REPs. But I can tell you, the vast majority of us who have tons of reps have worked our butts off contributing value.

Due to leeching, I once or twice considered doing all my future shares like the ones you described in your post but I didn't want to impose on the time of the many good folks here because of the ones who just are the way they are.

Especially if you ask people to post to the thread that the share links have been delivered, that only opens the window for leeches to boldly contact those folks via PM to ask THEM for the links, instead.

In the end, it's way too much work that does nothing to solve the leeching problem.

for reading!
Reference URL's