10-25-2020, 09:44 AM
![[Image: 586f30067eb33ec2ce7cc6917ca0777a-g.jpg]](http://library.lol/covers/2083000/586f30067eb33ec2ce7cc6917ca0777a-g.jpg)
Plotting Simplified
We remember characters; we pitch plot. In Plotting Simplified you'll learn how to map your story using the "passage markers" that shape every story's journey. From introduction and motivation to your Lead's moment of maximum angst, you'll see how easy it is to develop a story line and keep your characters on the path to a compelling climax. Learn how to introduce the Great Disturbance, what 4 Questions you should ask of your plot, how to map-out your story, manage your key scenes, the 7 Keys to every good plot, whyWorry, Conflict and Disaster spells success for the writer, and how to introduce your Major Dramatic Question.
Been There, "Scene" That!
Making a scene is as easy as: ABCD. A good scene reveals information that moves the story forward (new goals, old secrets, hidden motives), shows conflict between characters (adds tension), deepens the character’s development, and creates suspense (introduces a new wrinkle that leaves the reader hanging). Learn the three keys to scene summary, how to create memorable moments in your story, what 4 questions you should ask of each scene. Learn professional secrets and begin crafting great scenes in just five minutes.
Dramatic Dialogue
Dialogue can breathe life into any fiction or non-fiction story. In this class we cover: Scene and space – A scene is: Doing (Action) Thinking (Narrative) and Talking (Dialogue). Tools– A writer has a number of tools for story building: narration, action, description, and dialogue Stickiness – How dialogue sticks with us Tags – When to tag, when to skip tags and where to place tags Types - Direct, Reflective, Misdirected, Modulated, Descriptive, Breathless, and Compressed Tips – When to circle back, go silent, and add gestures Punctuation – Where to put those marks and quotes.
Creating Compelling Characters
Compelling characters are larger than life. They risk more, laugh often and love with passion. In this session you’ll learn how to invent both likable and loathsome characters, winners and losers, heroes and villains. In this class you’ll learn how to build motivation, focus flaws, and and explore the feelings or your characters. You’ll see how conflict, crisis and consequences shape your characters. We’ll show you how to find the right character for your story, motivate your hero and heroin, and how the "off-beat sidekick" can provide comic relief for your story.