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Thanks for the share Layna!

I was waiting for this one. I read your other post about the request for this and you shared the Doberman Dan interview with Carline.

In that post, you promised to get us the book... And I know your word is GOLD, so it was just a matter of time. Free time that is for you to be able to deliver.

Before the original post, I did not know who Carline was. Now reading the first half of the book, I see that she learned at the feet of a Master... Clayton Makepeace is one of the Copywriters I have studied for years.

Yes, I have also studied many of the other giants in the direct response world and have learned so much from all of them. I just like the way Clayton has of explaining things and his track record speaks for itself.

So being able to read the works of someone that was able to be mentored by and friend to Clayton for 30 years before he passed away is just hidden gold.

Thanks for all your efforts to share this with us.

Without a doubt, you are The Queen of BBHF. You always go way above and beyond with your shares. I can't ever remember seeing a share from you that is a "Here's the link, enjoy", type of share. You always have well thought out words and add in your special researching skills to make the share a powerful experience.

I remember a while back that you were not happy here. The Powers were censoring you as some of your shares were stepping on the toes of GB sellers. You even thought about leaving...

I was in a tizzy... I was thinking, "God, I'll have to use my tech skills to set up my own BBHF copy so we don't lose Layna... How could the Management do this? Mad Slap".

I'm glad that the issue seems to have been resolved and you are back here in full force. Your shares and value to this forum are a major part of why I come here.

Thank You, Sister. You are the best.


Thanks, Layna61524! Last year, I came across Carline's amazing success story. One of her daughters is also a successful copywriter. Carline has done very well for herself in the health niche. MAXX reps to you and Theo1 for the shares. Cool
Ditto, GordonShumway! You are right on-point with your comment in Post #11. Layna61524 is, without a doubt, "The Queen of BBHF"!!!! 42rock

MAX reps to you for taking the time to post your sentiments, which reflect my feelings too.
Thanks for the comment fjohnson59.

Glad I am not the only one that sees value in showing a bit of appreciation. It is my belief that publicly acknowledging the value we get here and those members that are just awesome, helps to keep them engaged and knowing that we see them, we like them, and value what they share with us.



(10-24-2020 02:36 PM)fjohnson59 Wrote: [ -> ]Ditto, GordonShumway! You are right on-point with your comment in Post #11. Layna61524 is, without a doubt, "The Queen of BBHF"!!!! 42rock

MAX reps to you for taking the time to post your sentiments, which reflect my feelings too.
She was mentored by Makepeace - Rest In Peace

I mourned when makepeace dismantled his original website, but when he departed, I was abit stronger.

Carline worked with old school like dan, bly, and the usual suspects 11 years ago.

BTW, how did you study makepeace without knowing Carline??

(10-24-2020 11:20 AM)GordonShumway Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the share Layna!

I was waiting for this one. I read your other post about the request for this and you shared the Doberman Dan interview with Carline.

In that post, you promised to get us the book... And I know your word is GOLD, so it was just a matter of time. Free time that is for you to be able to deliver.

Before the original post, I did not know who Carline was. Now reading the first half of the book, I see that she learned at the feet of a Master... Clayton Makepeace is one of the Copywriters I have studied for years.

Yes, I have also studied many of the other giants in the direct response world and have learned so much from all of them. I just like the way Clayton has of explaining things and his track record speaks for itself.

So being able to read the works of someone that was able to be mentored by and friend to Clayton for 30 years before he passed away is just hidden gold.

Thanks for all your efforts to share this with us.

Without a doubt, you are The Queen of BBHF. You always go way above and beyond with your shares. I can't ever remember seeing a share from you that is a "Here's the link, enjoy", type of share. You always have well thought out words and add in your special researching skills to make the share a powerful experience.

I remember a while back that you were not happy here. The Powers were censoring you as some of your shares were stepping on the toes of GB sellers. You even thought about leaving...

I was in a tizzy... I was thinking, "God, I'll have to use my tech skills to set up my own BBHF copy so we don't lose Layna... How could the Management do this? Mad Slap".

I'm glad that the issue seems to have been resolved and you are back here in full force. Your shares and value to this forum are a major part of why I come here.

Thank You, Sister. You are the best.


Hey 51st-

I saw that you said this: "I mourned when makepeace dismantled his original website, but when he departed, I was abit stronger."

Sorry to hear about you mourning the loss of the site, but you DO know that you could have always still accessed the site through

Just go there, punch in

And you will get the whole website with all of his archived articles from 2005-2010 they are still up there-

@All: W-O-W! You guys are simply awesome. I am really feeling the LUV! 61heart

@GordonShumway: Thank you for that, friend. Yes, I try my best to keep my word. I had something else going at the time that person requested the e-book but I am glad I was able to deliver ahead of schedule. You have no idea how much I appreciate your kind post.

@fjohnson59: Thank you very much for the kind post. I very much appreciate the time you took to write out those sentiments.

Yes, I was at-odds with the Powers-that-Be but I understand where they are coming from. And while I understand, I still disagree that I should be punished for sharing the methods I use to find much of what some of these GB sellers are peddling for profit. If I can do a search to find the files, that means the files are already out there in the ethersphere for anyone with the skills to find them.

I just have to temper my generosity from now on. Instead of straight downloads, I think I will stick to tutorial type shares. I much more enjoy doing those HOW TO FIND STUFF posts anyway.

It's the EDUCATOR in me.

There is no feeling on earth like being self-sufficient and all I was trying to do was show people that instead of posting "bump...bump..." and "please re-up..." or "can we get a GB going for this?" there are ways to sometimes find what you want without waiting on someone else to provide it.

You won't find everything you want or need every time but nothing beats a failure but a try. And sometimes you will find a substitute that is much better than what you were originally looking for!

Still, it makes me scratch my head in wonderment seeing some of the same people who seem destined to ask for an e-book to be re-upped when all they need to do is search over at {{{Blocked by Omni Potens, reason: reports from LEGIT GB STARTER}}}.org or or Library Genesis or any of the other book download sites.

Or search a "certain way" in Google or Duckduckgo for the course download they want.


I have certain people here I refer fondly to as my "forum friends" ... they know who they are. I thank each and every one of you who take the time to express your gratitude for what I try to do here. Your expressions of appreciation fuel my drive to keep sharing on BBHF.

Hi 51st

I am not sure exactly what you are asking me here. I think you mean, "What courses by Clayton Makepeace did you study?".... Right?

If yes, over the years I have been active here and on other sites. By nature, I am a collector of information on things that I am interested in. Copywriting is one of those topics that I have spent years studying.

Anyone that has been serious about their craft of copywriting has come across Clayton's work. Clayton and a long list of greats have been my Educators.

BBHF is a treasure trove of information if you dig in and drink of the wealth contained here. That and asking other members when you need assistance.

I am "Old School" in that I believe in the "Give Before You Recieve" way of downing things. That is why if you look at my reps, you can see that over the years I have tried to assist as much as possible. I was so happy when I made the 10K club here. Nothing like the 100K club Layna belongs to. She is in a separate class altogether.

But for me, the 10K was a badge of honor. It was a sign that I had given back a tiny fraction of what I had received from being a member here. And I truly mean TINY because it is amazing the access we have to information here on this site.

I have been working for almost 40 years and was raised Pre-Internet, so the old ways of either buying books or going to the library was how I learned in the past. Now I am deeply digital, roam the planet (currently in Australia), as I ply my craft to what interests me.

Much of what I have learned in the last 20 years has come from being a member on sites like BBHF or the trusted connections I have built up over the years.

If you want to learn more about copywriting, do a search for the user: NonConformer on BBHF. Have a look at a number of the threads. Specifically, have a look at this one and read all the posts inside:

That is just a single starting point, but he (she?) is talking about some of the Old Masters of Copywriting and if you track those works down, read them (more than once), you will be laying down a foundation. Of course, this will open a floodgate in your mind if copywriting is something that interests you as you continue to improve your abilities.

Hope that answers your question and gives you more to ponder...



(10-24-2020 06:14 PM)51st Wrote: [ -> ]'''
BTW, how did you study makepeace without knowing Carline??
@GordonShumway: I just posted a new share on direct response copywriting, dedicated to you, my friend. It is borne from your recommendations here to Non-Conformer's share.

You can see it here:
Magic Button :

So, people interested in direct response copywriting should heed your advice and read more about the craft, written by the masters.

Hopefully, my share will be a convenient starting point where they can get their fill of the Titans of the Craft.

Thanks Layna - You are a RockStar in my eyes.

I went to the post you mentioned and added in my 2 cents worth.

You always amaze me with your generosity, your ability to research and distill the best parts down into a cohesive solution.

I coined a new term in the other post. I call it doing a "Full Layna". Anyone on this site that has read your stuff and knows the depth of your posts will understand it.

Without a doubt, you are a Star in my books.


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