09-23-2020, 05:46 PM
Salespage: HERE
Get it: HERE
Please note, copying the password in the text doesn't work. You have to manually enter it. For some reason when it's copied it copies the phrase ''KillerReferralM'' instead of the correct password in the text so you will get an error. At least that's what happened on my machine.
Download Leadsology: The Science Of Being In Demand: HERE
I found this PDF through a LINK on his site that was giving it away for free so I used a Throwaway email address to get it.
Get it: HERE
Please note, copying the password in the text doesn't work. You have to manually enter it. For some reason when it's copied it copies the phrase ''KillerReferralM'' instead of the correct password in the text so you will get an error. At least that's what happened on my machine.
Download Leadsology: The Science Of Being In Demand: HERE
I found this PDF through a LINK on his site that was giving it away for free so I used a Throwaway email address to get it.