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Full Version: What is KONY 2012? Why is it the next biggest trend on the planet?
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[Image: BiSus.jpg]

When I first heard about this from my friends at school, I was kind of
skeptical about the whole campaign and moaned to myself “Oh, not another
‘Save The World’ campaign again, because every time something like this
comes up, it’s always Donate this, Donate that!”. I’ve donated to a few
charities myself and I don’t regret it, but I’ve never seen anything so
meticulously planned out to work.

It was really awesome that the guys who made the video had 29 million mobile views on you tube within minutes of releasing the video putting them on top of every youtube front page. Not just showing a small red flag, but dumping a whole bucket of red paint on you tube's face. Then the guy who made the video went a little nuts in public, naked.

Yes, it's a good cause, and I hope they catch the guy, and in order to preserve hope in the human race, I will never share the information I know about mobile youtube views to anyone, I will only morn the death of them.
because is supported by the gov .... and they have big interest to go
in Uganda ... they discovered a big oil supply in uganda .... Konny is
missing since 2006
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