Came upon this website while searching for some stuff which you may find useful.
Simple, reusable drawings
Delight audiences with over 1,000 unique hand drawn line art doodles
Library download includes all images in SVG and PNG formats, Sketch library and font
Free to download, share and adapt under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
grayzone, Thank you for sharing this.
Max reps given
Download individual item that you need for free.
Just click on the selected item.
This worked just fine when I tried it just now. $0 and entered my email address. Wooooo!!! Thanks and repped.
FYI, I tried this but the website wanted me to login with your info since you've purchased it before. Hope this helps.
(09-18-2020 03:56 AM)Mac-Man Wrote: [ -> ]Download:
Not sure what happened, but it worked for me putting "0" into the price field. A couple others here also had no problem.
Guessing it might be a privacy/protection thing with the Brave Browser you use.
Anyway, mirrored the doodles archive below for you:
PW: The default.
You may need to upzip twice as I simply zipped the archive to add the password.
(09-17-2020 02:25 AM)layna61524 Wrote: [ -> ]@grayzone: Thank you for this share but I'm confused. There are no instructions for how to get the download.
I clicked the download button and (after quite a while) I was shown an ADD TO CART pop-up and was asked to input a fair price. As I thought this was a freebie download, I entered "0" and then input my email address for delivery and clicked the final button. After more time, I got a message: Order Did Not Go Through.
Well, I wasn't aware we had to order (as in pay for it). Maybe the site where you found this had more info on how to get the download (maybe a special code?).
Anyway, it's a no-go for me.