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Someone mentioned they needed something like this. I made a quick tool that takes a list of URLS and Keywords, and will create a spin ready output ready for Wiki Posters.

The output will be

[{domain|domain..} {keyword|keyword...}]

It also strips www. from the urls and makes sure it is in the format http://url.

This is mainly a time saver for those who need it. If you don't know what I am talking about, you don't need it.

Mediafire Download:
Magic Button :

Virus Total:

Its a pain in the ASS doing it manually
this will save me loads of time
Thank you for this time saver :) Just downloaded it!
I've noticed something in the output. There are two opening brackets {{, which brakes the wiki URL code, which is not a big problem to delete the first {. Great tool, great time saver.
file have virut
Wiki Url Maker

A quick tool that takes a list of URL's and keywords, and will create a spin ready output ready for wiki posters.
The output will be.
[{domain|domain..} {keyword|keyword...}]

It also strips www. from urls and makes sure it is in the format http://url.
This is mainly a time saver for those who need it. If you don't know what I'm talking about you don't need it.



Thanks just what i needed :)
(01-27-2013 03:20 AM)webster Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks just what i needed :)
Enjoy !
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