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Full Version: [GET] Corona - The Breathless Epidemic: How to Keep your Lungs Healthy and Strong
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Lungs are a complex wonder of nature

Countless airways of various sizes form a ramified system like the branches of a tree. But in being directly in touch with the outside world through the air they breathe, they are greatly exposed to bacteria, viruses and other pollutants. If these get into the airways, they may set off inflammatory and harmful processes affecting our health as a whole.

Healthy lungs are the basis of life
Healthy lungs supply the whole body with oxygen so are basic to life and essential for our well-being, performance and vitality.

Lungs – the forgotten organs
If lungs are not treated well enough, not only their efficiency but also their resilience and immunity are severely reduced. This harbingers the beginning of many diseases.

Good care of the airways is the best protection against acute and chronic lung diseases.

Many simple and practicable measures prevent lung diseases and ensure healthy lungs.

This book provides everything you need to know about lungs, their structure and amazing abilities. Among other things, it is meant to advise you on how to support them effectively, strengthening them and hindering infection.

Very timely share SS, reps added!
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