(05-05-2014 06:06 AM)Smarac Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry for necroing the thread but i searched every link in here and this one works:
I just installed it on wp,going to test it.
update: It is working fine,people can download additional themes(24) from their site to use.
Hi necro thank you for sharing-- could you please share the themes?
I can't seem to get on that site. Would someone be able to mirror it, thx!
Here are the templates:
Have fun and please rep if you find it usefull! Thanks!
(06-27-2014 05:24 PM)Smarac Wrote: [ -> ]Plugin reuploaded:
Thanks for the new mirror...is this the wordpress plugin or standalone...
(09-02-2013 11:31 AM)webshow2012 Wrote: [ -> ]you can try ninja popup for wordpress....... best for wp
already shared on bbhf codecanyon retail
Has anyone compared Ninja Popups to PD? Ninja looks to have the same functions, and PD support seems out of date.
Warning: log() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in /home3/richxrd/public_html/milagroparaladiabetes/wp-content/plugins/popup-domination/themes/social-1/template.php on line 3