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The Ultimate Guide to Unarmed Self Defense is a comprehensive guide to the most efficient and effective strategies, training methods, and techniques for functional self defense. Most self defense and martial arts books cover only one or two aspects of violent attacks and are typically unrealistic. The Ultimate Guide to Unarmed Self Defense covers every aspect of self defense, from awareness and prevention to exceptionally effective techniques.

Techniques and training methods are presented as taught in private lessons, and hundreds of easy to follow photos with directional arrows and ghost imaging make learning from the book easier than ever.

The Ultimate Guide to Unarmed Self Defense begins with a discussion of the difference between self defense and martial arts, legal ramifications, the nature of physical violence, and then covers avoidance, awareness, and prevention in great detail. Readers will learn how to be a bad target, how to spot warning signs and pre-attack indicators, and how to prevent an attack through distance, evasion, and de-escalation.

Functional self defense training methods follow, including what works and what doesn't, the pros and cons of different training methods, solo training, partner training, sparring, training in natural environments, adrenal issues, multiple opponents, and more.

In the technical chapters, the most efficient and effective techniques are demonstrated in great detail, along with default responses that work against any unarmed attack and solid strategies for implementation.

The Ultimate Guide to Unarmed Self Defense ends with chapters on environmental applications, physical and mental fitness, and frequently asked questions.

thanks for share SS. max reps
Fantastic share SS, reps added!
re-up request

Can we get a re-up on this title please! Thanks in advance for your time and service.
(01-19-2024 09:39 AM)drmindbender1971 Wrote: [ -> ]Can we get a re-up on this title please! Thanks in advance for your time and service.

here you go

Grateful for this! Thanks for your time and effort. Max rep given. Have a good weekend.
Cool and Thanks
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