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Full Version: [GET] Video Series From $300k A Year Copywriter
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thank you man, this is awesome.
last video requires password
Hey guys,
Awesome share and +5 Reps to the Op for this share. But, the last video, video 8 is asking for a password and the usual one is not working. Any idea what this password would be?
Ok guys, I went through all the threads on Reddit (I've never been there before) and although asked he doesn't seem to have given out the password. But here's a quote from someone who watched it. BTW in one of the other threads he wrote that his sister was offered a retainer job for $5k a month and now her earnings were up to $100k a year. Anyway:

"That video basically talked about how one person cold messaged him and his team that landed him the gig he was looking for. Also, later in that video was more controversial where he would only be interested in doing a paid newsletter if there were enough people interested (it didn't push through, but he wasn't pushing for it anyway; what he's doing makes way more money than that). So, if you scroll through the comment section, lots of people flamed him for MAYBE asking to do a newsletter that was dirt cheap."

Reps appreciated!
Also one poster suggested this might be a transcript of that last video:
The first video was very promising but when he went on 6 influence principles he lost me
(07-20-2020 08:32 AM)GetStuffDone Wrote: [ -> ]The first video was very promising but when he went on 6 influence principles he lost me

Why did he say that it was Claude Hopkins who came up with the 6 principles of influence?

I thought it was Robert B. Cialdini who came up with it.


He showed an ad by John Caples and says its by John Collier lol

He confused John Caples with Robert Collier.

He must have been sleepy because he got it right the previous video.

Anyways, thanks BlackTopHat...REP added! :)
My pleasure. Any other sources on this forum you particularly like- Carlton, Makepeace?
Guys this is Caleb O'Dowd (most likely). I can make it from his voice - I've watched some of his videos before. He has the same slightly Irish accent.
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