Is there a "shitlist" here? Or maybe a Mod forum?
just wanted to report some duchebag using the handle 'youracunt2' who is clearly a retread and ought to be banned for being a dirtbag troll.
I couldn't get the report function to ever work for me...not sure they'd even monitor it though
There is a "Scam Reports" sub-forum under "Marketplace Discussions" section. However, it looks like that part of the forum is being abused with sales threads (it's meant to be used for discussions about the BBHF marketplace - not for sales threads). As far as I understand, sales should be posted in the other sections (e.g. Sellers Section, Service Offerings, etc).
I think the mods are very busy at the moment with developing other parts of the site. Hopefully when the workload reduces they will get the chance to clear up some of the spam.
If what you are saying is true, then you should create a thread in
Internet Marketing Product Reviews and Shit List Area
As the section is moderated, your post will appear once it is approved. So don't go double/tripe posting thinking an error caused your post to go bye bye.