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Full Version: Fluent English and Spanish speaker needed.
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Have been introduced to a money making program buy a friend on telegram. He is in the process of setting something up involving risk free sports betting. Pm me and I'll explain more if you are a fluent English and Spanish speaker. You'll need telegram
@hash786 got your pm mate but can't reply your inbox is full. Pm me your telegram and I'll add you
Anyone fluent in Spanish and English and has experience of sports betting, mainly bet365 add my group and I'll explain. Its risk free betting
I speak english, portuguese and spanish fluently
Should have explained this more. Its to do with "movers" in sports betting. Basically my contact has info on which games have been wrongly priced, we place a bet on this and the odds move so we're in profit and cashout before game starts. Ways around limiting accounts. You need bet365. Let me know if interested
hablo el espaƱol muy bien lol
What's your username on Telegram?
Hi, I speak english and spanish fluently. So, can you explain something more about this? How many hours do we need to spend doing this translation, and how much can we earn with this?

Thanks and regards
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