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You have a God-given right to happiness, wealth, and success. In this dynamic book by Reverend Terry Cole-Whittaker, you’ll learn how to cast off the shackles of fear and false beliefs to discover your own inner path—the route to your inborn talents and limitless potential!

Explore your deepest feelings with self-awareness strategies and consciousness-raising exercises. Learn how to cope with physical, mental, and spiritual problems, involving love, money, risk-taking, relationships, guilt, self-reliance, self-image, sexuality, and more. It’s all here in one astonishing book: the motivation, tools, and tactics to resolve personal conflicts—and change your life forever!

Thank you StillStanding.

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Thanks for sharing SS, reps given
Thank you for the interesting book Thanks
MAX REPS added!
It looks interesting, Thanks. Rep
Thanks so much, StillStanding! I love the title.
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PQ :)
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