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Full Version: [GET] How To Get Lynda Subscription FREE For Lifetime?
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No go for me. I get to the Lynda site, enter the #s and it takes me to the main page :(

Also, can't see the images OP posted.
(08-13-2020 07:57 PM)FredB Wrote: [ -> ]No go for me. I get to the Lynda site, enter the #s and it takes me to the main page :(

Also, can't see the images OP posted.


Tried days later and it works!

Max rep for OP and thank you!
I just tried this and it is working like a charm.
Thanks so much OP!
Thanks. But not working anymore on my end. May I request someone to create account for me? help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Which Library Branch worked? I cant see the images OP posted! All are attached as thumbnails which are not opening.
Please share whats working..
Hi sagarbista, can you or anyone help, followed the instructions as best as I could not able to see images, so when to register got the following error message.
Online Registration
Online User Registration Unsuccessful! Please contact your library for further assistance.

Is there a specific library we have to register, as I said not able to see images, when I click on image get this message.
You do not have permission to access this page. This could be because of one of the following reasons:
unlock plus rep!
You are genius. Thanks
Great works.
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