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Desserts and sweet treats are often the first thing to be ditched during a diet, but this needn't be the case!

In Skinny Desserts Kathryn Bruton has created a collection of delectable sweet dishes that includes the things we all know and love - crème brûlée, citrus tarts, cheesecakes, meringues, ice cream, souffles and éclairs - but with clever minor adjustments each classically calorific recipes is under 300 calories per portion.

Chapters cover Tortes, Tarts and Gateau, Chocolate, Meringue, Frozen and Fruit, along with a bonus section of Petit Fours for when you just want a little treat of something extra special. From Lemon and Honey Ricotta Cheesecake with Roasted Plums and Salted Peanut Butter Popcorn with Caramel Cream, to Blood Orange and Rhubarb Roulade, Coconut, Lime and Mango Macaroon Ice Cream Sandwiches and Raspberry Ripple Custard Doughnuts, there's something to satisfy every kind of sweet tooth. Each recipe is as enticing and delicious as you would expect a sweet dessert to be, but without the guilt of consuming excessive calories.

Thanks for the share, reps added
The Salted Peanut Butter Popcorn with Caramel Cream is reason enough to download this! Thanks for sharing SS, reps added!
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