had the same problem with malicious sites and getting this download. thanks to all who re-upped for the rest.... reps added.
Thanks to Maggie Jo and amanxy - reps added to both
Great things can come in tiny packages!
Great share!
Thank you very much to all! I am using Webroot Internet secure and did not have problems with Zippy. Nor even with an extra scan after downloading.
Oh, and @banjo? = you do know that Eset is Reporting all your activities to the USA alphabet agencies and more, right?
Thanks and max reps added.
BTW: no problem here with the OP Solidfiles link in Chrome.
Thanks, your solidfile mirror worked like a charm. maxreps
@maggie jo
thanks for original share. maxreps
Even if this method doesn't work for you, the concept and resources can easily be repurposed for amazing permafree and lead magnets!