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Full Version: [METHOD] VERY HIGH EARNER: Method to Bank with Amazon and Google Shopping!
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^^redirecting with this is not simple, been working all day on it, cant figure it out. redirecting the add to cart button to another site requires more knowledge on php then i have
Well i did everything but when i am in feed materials,i failed to do it.i need help.

this will not generate you 140k per month anymoree because of the panda updatee thats why this guy is giving it awayy i also have him added in skype he say he ownss a cpa network now and is focusing on that but the method dont work that good anymoree since august 2011 he was doing it and that timee it was bigg but noww you really need to pick ur niche good not just for instance electronics or you will faill
This method will be working maximum 1 week and you wont get paid.. I guarantee that.. In first 12 hours there was 6500 views on that other forum. And the OP is still giving this method away to anyone who ask..So i guess, Amazon and Google already know about this and they will stop every one who is doing it..
Thats what i think..
Quote:this is old method i think so :D,

if u want got banned form amazon affiliate try this :D because i got banned 2 month ago and my payment never by pay :(

Quote:This method will be working maximum 1 week and you wont get paid.. I
guarantee that.. In first 12 hours there was 6500 views on that other
forum. And the OP is still giving this method away to anyone who ask..So
i guess, Amazon and Google already know about this and they will stop
every one who is doing it..

Thats what i think..
So, how Amazon track their affiliate's aStore website traffic source?

do you have any idea?
Everyone will try this and the method will be dead soon.
I think I will try it.
I have many domains iwht keywords like so this should be good for this method ;p
Also redirect is easy.. jus redirect thorugh diffrent domain ;p so you need 3 domains.. to keep yourself safe.. :)
or make even 4 redirects like i do it for my cpa ;p
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