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Full Version: [WTB] Any offers for Netflix discount cards/codes ??
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Howdy Folks - still hoping for a reputable source for this after all this time.

In the past there was a great seller here offering Netflix discount card codes at a discount of around 60% - a great deal.
Sadly, that offer went away some time ago and he didn't reply when I asked about it.

Is anyone else here offering some of those ??

In the meantime we used our 'student' prime acc't for my partner's TV habit, but that is about to expire with no candidates for a new/good EDU account to be found either.

Thanks for any good assistance here !!

NOT at all interested in shared account offers or similar BS that goes down alot.
hey, you can try my bso:

it shows you how to create Netflix account and other for free :)
I do not appreciate your turning my query thread into a self-promotion for your $150.00 BSO - this is VERY POOR FORM !!!

Why would anyone pay $150.00 for that, I wonder ?!?
NF is a very disappointing thing when it comes to paying less for it !!
Will need to refill or whatever in a short while and nobody here has any good offers lately.

Hopefully one comes around soon !?!?!
Still hoping for someone to again offer the gift cards at a great price here ?!?
Recently got what looked to be a great deal on Netflix via BSO here.
It was sold as a long-term deal...

But it only lasted a little over a month and is now unusable.

Is there anyone here offering a very good and long term deal on Netflix anymore ??

Just added a little to the OP and hope something great comes of it !?!
I'm not super thrilled about shared offers because they mostly use stolen creds (or what most call 'hacked accounts).

I did locate an offer for lifetime shared UHD/4 screens which I'll share the link for privately if anyone desires that info.
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