05-12-2020, 06:59 AM
Found this in 2019 T&C notes
Hope it helps until we get a copy of the training
- The RMBC Method (research mechanism brief copy) – Stefan’s Copy Process
- Research:
o Who is your customer
o How old are they typically
o What attitudes. Do they have
o What are their hopes and dreams
o What are their victories and failures
o What outside forces do they believe have prevented their best life
o What. Are their prejudices
o Sum up their core beliefs about life, love, and family in 1-3 sentences
§ Bonus tip reddit.com/r/fatpeoplestories/ for health ideas
- Other existing solutions:
o What is the market using already (list it out)
o What. Has their experience been like
o What does. The market like about existing solutions
o What does the. Market dislike about existing solutions
o Are their horror stories about existing solutions
o Does. The market believe. The existing solution works
o If not, why
§ Amazon great for research)
- Curiosity:
o Has someone tried. To solve the. Markets pain points before in a very unique
o What was the result
o Is there a conspirational sorry behind why old solutions. Didn’t work
o Are there. Any older. Attempts to solve. The probme (pre 1960s) that a re
o What. Happened? Were they. successful but forgotten? Or were they a
failure? Why?
- Mechanism
o Two parts:
§ Unique mechanism behind the Problem our prospect faces
§ Unique mechanism behind the solution to that problem
§ Should be a logical connection between them
- Brief
o Take research and mechanism, put it together and answer the questions
o Get in their skin and answer:
§ Whos the audience
§ Their biggest short and long term pain points/fears
§ Big promise about making t heir pain points disappear
§ Whats Solutions already exist
§ Whats Unique mechanism behind their problem/solution
§ Whats a paradoxical question you can ask them (e.g. why’s it so easy
for a kid to. Learn a language and not an adult? Or ‘why don’t people
in this random place never get fat’ etc)
§ What is the product (write it out)
§ Whats the background/discovery story
o Once you have this, you can start moving it into your sales copy like modules,
copy and paste it in
- Copy
o Lead (get them to sit down and stay, but don’t give the solution)
o Background story
o Unique mechanism of problem
o Unique mechanism of solution
o Product build up + reveal
o Close
- Stefan’s Subject line matrix categories:
o Promise, problem/dimensionalized, new cause discovered, new mechanism,
well known remedy wrong/bad, well known problem/taboo is really
solution?, dominant emotion, story, conflict controversary conspiracy
challenge shock, problems of normal solution, people, topical, believability,
urgency/scarcity, targeted
Hope it helps until we get a copy of the training