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Full Version: [REQUEST] The Facebook Copywriter - Richard Fletcher
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I have participated in his free challenge and the content was better than the majourity of paid products about copywriting. What i liked specifically is the level of deep detailed explanation of the concepts everybody knows but nobody understands, his examples of lead generation copy with details on how to do it, was extremly helpful. This course is a liblary of posts to write to engage, give value, and sell what your high end offer.
Bump for this one!
(05-12-2020 02:24 AM)GetStuffDone Wrote: [ -> ]I have participated in his free challenge and the content was better than the majourity of paid products about copywriting. What i liked specifically is the level of deep detailed explanation of the concepts everybody knows but nobody understands, his examples of lead generation copy with details on how to do it, was extremly helpful. This course is a liblary of posts to write to engage, give value, and sell what your high end offer.

Wow thank you for your comment
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intro video

The 18 New Rules (as explained in the video). Refer back to these when you're writing your posts:
1. Copy is about your audience, not you
2. Your copy is you having a conversation with one human being
3. Relevance is key!
4. As few words as possible
5. No walls of text (maximum 4 lines to a paragraph on Facebook)
6. No long sentences (maximum one comma or one ‘and’)
7. One thought per sentence
8. Use words you actually use yourself
9. Write like you speak
10. The whole piece needs to logically flow
11. First sentence that makes you want to read on
12. Don’t tell your audience what to do (or talk down to them, lecture or make them feel they are ‘wrong’ in any way)
13. Specific > General
14. When you’ve written it, read it out loud and see if you trip over any bits, or if they don’t sound right
15. When you’ve posted it on Facebook, reread it at least 3 times (I find myself editing every single post several times after posting. It just looks different on Facebook than it does in Notepad!)
16. 500 words max
17. Sell the click ‘above the fold’
18. Whenever you make a claim, back it up with proof
Looking forward ...
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