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Full Version: [F4LT] Learn Python and the basics of programming with Donald Trump
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Every time you buy this course you fund another brick in the wall

Peace, health and success!

Rating: 3.0 out of 53.0
(2 ratings)
546 students
1hr 13min of on-demand video

Created by Edward Leoni
Solution Architect and Conversational Engineer
4.1 Instructor Rating 534 Reviews 37,169 Students 6 Courses

* Good rated instructor... but a very bad title, just saying... ;)

They don't allow text to audio but they allow this nonsense. Probably offered as free so allowed. Btw rep added.
Hahaha, this has to be a joke surely.
That dotard probably thinks that maggot in pants is a python!
Hilarious lol !!LolLol
Coupon applied!

Every time you buy this course you fund another brick in the wall
3.5 (5 ratings)
2,301 students enrolled
Created by Edward Leoni
Last updated 5/2020
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