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Dr Judy Mikovits PHD
Molecular Biologist/Medical Reseacher

Interviwer: Do you believe this virus was created in a laboratory?

Dr. Judy: I wouldn´t use the word created but you can´t say naturally-occurring if it was by way of the laboratory so it´s very clear this virus was manipulated, this family of viruses was manipulated and studied in a laboratory where the animals were taken into the laboratory and this is what was released whether deliberate or not that cannot be naturally-occurring.

The official website for this documentary is PLANDEMICMOVIE.COM

By the way, if YouTube decide to take down the video, the documentary is available on the website.
(05-07-2020 08:40 AM)scanvenger Wrote: [ -> ]The official website for this documentary is PLANDEMICMOVIE.COM

By the way, if YouTube decide to take down the video, the documentary is available on the website.

Thanks for sharing the website.
There is only a single problem with the info given over and over in this and other presentations:
No solid scientific proof exists anyplace which is able to document that there is any such thing as a 'virus'.

Scientists do not have any tool which allows such a proof to be made.

As such, nobody in the here and now knows for certain whether the particles referred to are actually any of these NON-virus things instead=>
- Cellular debris;
- exosomes;
- something else entirely.

There is also no existing proof that said 'viruses' are in any manner 'contagious' OR that they are even alive in any manner.

This all just exploits that most people BELIEVE when the dr. folks use the word 'virus' endlessly and without question.

When these folks discuss gene sequencing of 'viruses' like it is a REAL thing, they are actually ONLY talking about gene sequencing of materials which CAN actually be seen and manipulated that are ONLY 'viruses' IN UNPROVEN THEORIES.

The very folks they seek to expose are able to easily undermine them simply by the FACTS which show they work in a purely theoretical field.
(This may also be the basis of exact evidence used in the persecution of Dr Judy Mikovits.)
@ Smithnowt
There is no such thing as virus you said.
Please enlighten us. What is it affecting people worldwide?
(05-08-2020 07:20 AM)DragonsRider Wrote: [ -> ]@ Smithnowt
There is no such thing as virus you said.
Please enlighten us. What is it affecting people worldwide?

It's about the testing process, the RT-PCR test. Lots of experts are now starting to come out that this test is not testing for the "virus", in this case Covid-19.

The test is looking for a sequence of RNA, but experts say the RNA could come from a wide range of causes including stress, cancer, smoking, and many others, not specifically looking for the Covid-19 virus as it has not yet proven that his virus has been isolated successfully.

If the virus has not yet been isolated, how can they be testing for it and diagnosed people as positive or negative?

If you've watched Dr. Judy Mikovitz and Dr. Daniel Erickson, and I think many others also have mentioned it, that when testing a blood sample using the PCR test, it is looking for the IgM or IgG.

When IgM is found, it means the body is adjusting to whatever it is that it recognizes as foreign and needs to be neutralized. IgG, on the other hand, when found, it means the body has already developed an immunity.

Immunity for what? Well, it's not certain as again, they're testing for something not specific for Covid-19, but could come from a wide range of sources as mentioned above.

It is probably the reason the numbers were high plus doctors in hospitals were instructed to put COVID in the diagnostic list.

There is a lot to research about this as we cannot truly rely on the official narrative to tell us the numbers.

So, to answer the question what is that thing affecting people worldwide? Many doctors agree that it's just the typical flu.

If you've seen Dr. Andrew Kaufman's presentation where he demonstrates that COVID is not really a virus but an exosome. Watch Dr. Andrew Kaufman's video for details on this one.

On the other hand, some doctors are seeing hypoxemia, a condition in which patients were not able to absorb oxygen in their lungs. Now, this thing is controversial especially with ongoing 5G rollout as 60GHz 5G frequency can somehow cause this.

The horrifying thing is that 60GHz 5G frequency is rolled out already in some areas, perhaps for experimental purposes. This is something that needs more research as info on this one is somewhat minimal plus the censorship. Hopefully, we will be able to find more info on this one, and I'm hoping it's wrong. Otherwise, it's deadly and many would suffer from it without even knowing what's causing it.
I ask in return=>

(05-08-2020 07:20 AM)DragonsRider Wrote: [ -> ]@ Smithnowt
There is no such thing as virus you said.
Please enlighten us. What is it affecting people worldwide?

Have you made ANY effort to see the many, many resources being shared here ??
Have you read up on the plan published for this event 10 years ago ??
Have you carefully listened to Dr. Kaufman and others explaining the science behind all this ??
Have you just skimmed the threads here a little without any deeper interest ??

Pages and pages of great info are here - very qualified doctors explaining very carefully in simpler terms what does vs. does not exist.

NO - it was not me who is the source of these facts - it is the scientists and doctors who have been courageous enough to come forward trying to wake folks like yourself up.

I am NOT a doctor nor am I a scientist - BUT, since all this insanity began I have kept an open mind and listened to both the emotional denials that had zero facts AND the very calm explanations by those who have their facts AND documentation very straight AND who are unafraid to present them.

Quoting DragonsRider in his use of the word 'worldwide' now:
Have you visited the places where the actual stats comparing this insanity to annual flu outbreaks are honestly presented ??
Have you followed any of the documentary evidence pointing to this flu outbreak and ALL the recorded ones before it as matching date for date EXACTLY with solar magnetic cycles ??

There is ALOT of amazing scientific proof available to show that this is a political scam that relies upon fear to gain ultimate control of all of us ordinary folks - are you in favour of that happening ??

I am not - nor am I in favour of ANY technology that MIGHT even harm anyone being rolled out UNTIL after it has been proven to NOT harm anyone.

Thanks a lot for taking time to explain this.
About Dr. Andrew Kaufman, I saw some of it, not full video but it is on my watch list. Will do that when I have the time.

You mentioned that what affecting people worldwide is just typical flu but yet doctors and nurses who handling patients contracted the flu died. So, it can´t be any typical flu but something new like exosome as you said.

Yes, i also heard about patient health complication in related to 5G rollout that is going on.

Have you made ANY effort to see the many, many resources being shared here ??
Yes, some of it
Have you read up on the plan published for this event 10 years ago ??
Yes, I heard something like that somewhere
Have you carefully listened to Dr. Kaufman and others explaining the science behind all this ??
Not yet

Have you just skimmed the threads here a little without any deeper interest ??
If i didn´t have the interest, I wouldn´t be posting such posts.
I try to watch videos related to the subject whenever I have free time.

Have you visited the places where the actual stats comparing this insanity to annual flu outbreaks are honestly presented ??
off course not
Have you followed any of the documentary evidence pointing to this flu outbreak and ALL the recorded ones before it as matching date for date EXACTLY with solar magnetic cycles ??
Following documentaries yes but didn´t watch the one that mentioned magnetic cycles.

There is ALOT of amazing scientific proof available to show that this is a political scam that relies upon fear to gain ultimate control of all of us ordinary folks - are you in favour of that happening ??
I believe you know what my answer is
IMO the most pressing need for anyone RIGHT NOW is to get past the plandemic propaganda and to shake off the 'mind virus' weapons that are aimed squarely at us.

As to people dying these days - generally=>
There is no way to be sure of just WHAT has been happening UNLESS one goes to the worst places to witness it all at 1st hand - which no sane person is likely to volunteer for in the middle of all this;

Those who ARE right in the most troubled areas as well as those who are in the know factually (and not corrupted) are revealing as actively as possible that there ARE corrupt players and actions and lies woven throughout all the 'virus scare' stuff.

Yes - we all need shelter, food and life's necessities - but during this time of insanity it is wisest to also accept that there is a battle in progress aimed at capturing not only our entire lives in order to control us utterly - but also aimed at removing our free will and even to the extent of taking control of our very life essence - whatever you choose to call that in your own belief system.

This is a battle to keep our own minds and lives safe from those who wish to control us.
If this battle is lost - basic necessities will no longer matter as we'll have no choices left to us.

Does that make this all sound a bit more serious and worthy of our immediate attentions ??

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