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Full Version: CoronaVirus is a hoax?
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To my brothers and sisters of this forum.

I found this material related to Covid19 quite interesting to calm down our fear regarting this so called pandemia.

I haven't read all these material but I watched three YT videos that sparked my interest on these authors.

I hope it gave confort to your fears.

Dr. Judy Mikovits recipe for CoronaVirus is quite simple; these are excerpts of the srt file at Youtube video (
Judy can we fight coronavirus on our own immune system?

absolutely and it's a simple fix
it's simple natural products vitamin C
like I said just stimulate your alpha interferons cannabinoid I'm taking vitamin D zinc I ants in some quinine water just a little bit correct a little bit of everything and vitamin C you're exactly right vitamin D....

Plague of Corruption_ by Dr. Judy Mikovits, Kent Heckenlively, interview

Dr. Fauci's DARKEST SECRET Surfaces As His Predictive Model Crushes Trump Economy _ Dr. Mikovits pHd

Plague of Corruption by Kent Heckenlively AND
Plague One Scientists Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (MECFS), Autism, and Other Diseases by Kent Heckenlively, Judy Mikovits
Doctors presenting actual data:

The more YouTube takes down these eye-opening videos, the more videos revealing the lie of Coronavirus.

We are the many and they are few. And the truth will expose ALL OF THEIR LIES!!!

Revolution 2.0 is just around the corner, come on over.
Those videos have been deleted like clockwork... here is another video...the same video uploaded by a different person

Dr. Dan Erickson with Epidemiologist Dr. Knut Wittkowski

Swedish Expert on why Sweden Has No Lockdown

What does it really look like to you Aleale - a genuine illness, or more of a political flim-flam ??

- Be attentive to the outspoken dr. folks explaining exactly what 'viruses' are vs. what they are NOT;
- Look into what an exosome is;

Dr. Thomas Cowan did a superb video about those top 2
And details from and about it were posted here=>

- Examine the concept of necrophobia, which 99% of us here in the US don't even know that we suffer with.

For certain, here in ammurrikka we've been had - fooled since birth, and too many drink the koolaid without question.

Sadly, the hour is getting late folks and if we desire NOT to be fully enslaved by the owners, this is the time to make ourselves heard.
I'm afraid smithnowt, that this is only a cruel test. More will come.
They proved that they can take away your freedom.
Preppers are not that funny anymore.
The main issue is power and control.
We are mere peons of the new chessboard.


(04-30-2020 11:32 AM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]What does it really look like to you Aleale - a genuine illness, or more of a political flim-flam ??

- Be attentive to the outspoken dr. folks explaining exactly what 'viruses' are vs. what they are NOT;
- Look into what an exosome is;

Dr. Thomas Cowan did a superb video about those top 2
And details from and about it were posted here=>

- Examine the concept of necrophobia, which 99% of us here in the US don't even know that we suffer with.

For certain, here in ammurrikka we've been had - fooled since birth, and too many drink the koolaid without question.

Sadly, the hour is getting late folks and if we desire NOT to be fully enslaved by the owners, this is the time to make ourselves heard.
I'm ready and will be wearing Gray this time around....
Don't be sucked in by these things. Any opportunity to exploit a crisis!
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