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Full Version: I think the thanks button is broken?
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lol sorry about the title, but I think the thanks button is broken it just keeps saying loading please wait and never gets finished.

Lala are you messing around with the forum? :rofl:
Yeah ... it's been doing that for me for a few days now. I saw that one of them got around to posting a thanks later, but it just kept saying it was loading until I got tired of waiting and moved on.
Guys thanks for the feedback.. i will remove this cause it make our site laggy, and we do not want this to happen.. we want our site fast in query.. so i gonna made some changes like:
*removed Thanks button
*changed burning LOGO to standard logo.
*changed animation new post to non animation.
*start deleting inactive member
and a few others to make our site much more faster and convenient for all of us. Thanks for the feedback anyway. well appreciated to both of you..
Glad to help out. We want this forum to be a great place to come and share ideas and feedback. We look forward to seeing the changes that you are making so that cpaleadvip can be its very best. Thanks.
Goodluck to the site
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