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Google Search-Master Class
Use Google Search as a Professional

description:25 tricks to use Google Search more efficiently and faster than before to get what you want and stop wasting time on moving between sites and find whatever you are searching for more accurately and in the most professional way and discover new ways to handle google search that will change your life.

what will students learn: Google search engine searching tricks that will help you to find accurate information fastly and professionally and find what you look for in ways you never experienced before
Thanks Many thanks for sharing your course, and welcome to our community, Ibrahim bro!

Just sharing again this course that was shared yesterday (but was shared as an invisible post; by a newbie member)!

I recommend to you as a newbie member that read and follow some easy steps in the Start Guide that your angel bro wrote here:

[quote='Ibrahim Isaac' pid='3027757' dateline='1587143303']
Google Search-Master Class
Use Google Search as a Professional

description:25 tricks to use Google Search more efficiently and faster than before to get what you want and stop wasting time on moving between sites and find whatever you are searching for more accurately and in the most professional way and discover new ways to handle google search that will change your life.

what will students learn: Google search engine searching tricks that will help you to find accurate information fastly and professionally and find what you look for in ways you never experienced before

[b][align]First to give you max +++++reps
Welcome to the community and TYVM ![/b][/align]
Thanks a lot, repped
Great share! Reps added.
goooooooooone ;(
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