[GET] 60 Photoshop Action Scripts_PLR
Product Description
Ebook cover plays a major role if you want your book to sell well. And that’s why most bloggers hired Graphic designers to make them a 3D eCover which will draw your visitor's attention. Well, this is not cheap but the good news is that inside this awesome bonus package you’ll get Ready-to-go, Ebook cover graphics and action scripts that you can use with just a few clicks.
Thanks for the share. Reps added.
Love this! Thanks, Bro! GBU.
Thanks men it really help
@Anyone looking for the 3D Covers Shop product ...
First, the GOOD news...
I did a Google search like this to find many of their product download pages, hoping 3D E-Covers Shop would be among them:
firelaunchers.com thank-you 3D
And this ...
NOTE: That asterisk/star (*) serves as a wildcard - it is a substitute for WHATEVER the file name is. So you don't even need to know what you're looking for.
The search engine will find any files that match your search query inside the members-download sub-directory at the firelaunchers.com site left unprotected.
The asterisk can be your friend in a search. 
For example, one very nice download I found was Online Business Mastery PLR. That file name showed that the word "business" was misspelled. I don't know if it was a slip or intentionally done. But using that asterisk, it didn't matter.
So, that asterisk can really help if you are open to finding multiple and varied downloads on a site.
And because I was trying to find the 3D E-Cover Shop product for you all, yes, I did try that same search with "3D E-Covers Shop" but I didn't find links.
And, thus ... the BAD news...
Some of firelaunchers.com's Thank You page links go to a form asking for your first name and email. When you submit it, it checks you against a customer database, I suppose, and if you match, you get through.
SMART for them.
So, unless someone buys it to share here or knows of a hack or a different way to search, that product will be more of a challenge to get.
I wish you luck with this request.

for reading!
how to use it in photoshop ? i cant open it
Thanks for the share. Reps added.