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Full Version: [INFO] Useful Advice + Links to Courses in Time of Coronavirus! [B] (Multi-language)
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Please help me to remember and post links to good courses for our health and prosperity in time of coronavirus!

Free courses at Udemy for our health and prosperity in time of coronavirus!

----- English:

[GET] Coronavirus Diet: Carbs, Fats, and Proteins - shared by Extraño bro:

[F4LT] How to Boost Your Immune System - shared by dealer bro:

[F4LT] Testing and Imaging in COVID-19 - shared by leejiacheng1 bro:

[F4LT] The Last Healthy Diet - shared by angelcrc7 bro:

----- Spanish:

[F4LT] Cultivando Serenidad en Tiempos de Cuarentena (Spanish) - shared by Extraño bro:

Also we can share in this thread many resources from other places not only at Udemy:

Coronavirus Business Resources - shared by angelcrc7 bro:
We've gathered all of our COVID-19 resources together in one place to support you in sustaining your business.

------------- PLUS:


It is very important to have a healty immune system to fight against all type of viruses and to overcome any medical complications: with a good natural diet and super foods (organic and alcaline), 8 hours of sleep (early at night without light), good hydration (with much more than just clean water; with natural electrolytic drinks and original sea salt), respecting our medical treatments, correct use of medicinal plants (as the ancient wisdom), learning about new powerful nutritional supplements for our immune system (as transfer factor and more), and with emotional-spiritual peace! Search about this topics at Youtube!

And please follow the basic and temporary social distancing in our houses, and with the basic and correct cleaning of hands specially with soap (and as an extra with alcohol), and with the basic and correct cleaning of our houses and utensils!

An angel's advice!

Reference URL's