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GoodSync Enterprise



I always appreciate reps - Thank you!

I'm coming at you from a user's point of view. I use this solution for backing up ALL of my non-OS files: books, movies, TV Shows, etc, etc. and have done so for a goodly while, now and I heartily recommend it. NO, no vested interests at all! This is by far the best software that I have ever come across for this job and boy, have I tried a lot of them!

It really is fairly easy and straightforward to set it up - when you have, it's just one click to check for file differences between the source and the backup and then, when that is finished, just one more click to sync the two!

It just amazes me, at just how quick these processes really are! Any deletions/addition/movement of files and folders are rapidly noted and then acted upon. Credit where credit is due and this solution does it for me!
Thank you for sharing this. It's really helpful.
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