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Gems of Japanized English

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I am always grateful for Reps - Thanks.

Japanese do things better, this book may be the ideal antidote. Even the Japanese are quick to admit that despite their enthusiasm for learning it, they still have a certain amount of difficulty with the English language. This is no new phenomenon. Shortly after Japan opened her ports to foreign traders, one doctor advertised himself as a Specialist in the Decease of Children; eggs were sold as extract of fowl; and a notice advised that Tomorrow, from midnight to 12 noon, you will receive dirty water. Fortunately, things are improving, but very slowly. A more recent English-language newspaper reported that someone's wedding was consummated in the garden of the American consul's home, while a road sign was posted near a busy intersection that commanded drivers to Have many accidents here.
Long-time Tokyo resident Miranda Kenrick has collected these and hundreds of other delightful anecdotes to form a lighthearted, but unabashedly affectionate, portrait of the Japanese at home. Reading this book may do more for U.S.-Japan relations than a whole bookshelf of more serious-minded tomes.
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