03-31-2020, 09:57 AM
![[Image: Seduction%2BScience%2B-%2BDerek%2BVitali...Covers.jpg]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-j7YpYeK_bBE/T5UTe6Y-5vI/AAAAAAAAGWQ/kjVK61X6aQkPxk0EB1ZqI8lgCywqtyebQCHMYBhgL/s286/Seduction%2BScience%2B-%2BDerek%2BVitalio%2B-%2BBooks%2BCovers.jpg)
Derek Vitalio's book Seduction Science is a must for anyone who is serious about getting with and scoring with women. Seduction Science e-book series was that it's a very well rounded approach to seducing women. Seduction Science is just that the Science of Seduction and unlike some Seduction and Dating books Derek teaches you to come with integrity and honesty.
Seduction Science is a collection of Volumes that teach men how to deal with women from the very begriming to whichever end result that you choose. There are 3 main volumes and a supplement, and each covers a different aspect of seduction.
Seduction Science Book will give you a linear breakdown of the seduction process - explaining in detail the steps to take to seduce a woman, the order of the steps and why you should do them in that order, and common mistakes to avoid. The seduction process follows a basic pattern - which you can repeat over and over again. In the same way that a woman can flash her breasts and get a repeatable, consistent response from men, you can also get repeatable, consistent responses from women - once you know what to do.
The Seduction Science System is not about randomly opening girls and hoping one of them bites. The Seduction Science System is not a "play the numbers" strategy. Imagine walking into a club. You see the hottest girl in the entire place. You decide SHE is the one you want. Through a series of repeatable steps, in a clear structure, you can turn her from otherwise ignoring you, to meeting you at your apartment. In this program you'll learn how to pick out the hottest girl in the club - and get HER. The one YOU picked. And all with solid, reliable results. It's not that hard. Women respond to certain psychological triggers just as reliably as men's eyes go wide when a woman flashes her breasts. It's just a matter of learning the steps. Of course, it will take you a few months of practice to get better and see consistent results. But the rewards are worth the effort - having beautiful women in your life and the ability to always meet and attract beautiful women. And the skills will always stay with you once you learn them.