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Full Version: [GET] Internet Retirement App + OTO's
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Pages: 1 2
(03-19-2020 05:53 PM)Bobhenry Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks and reps to the OP.
FYI: it's about collecting Bing ad data to allow you replicate campaigns. So you get "server-melting" traffic by setting up successful Bing ads using the information generated by the app. Apparently this will save you days, weeks or months of work. Really? You can do a lot of work in a month.
And don't think this is going to give you information for just any keyword - I tried it with a few and it returned no results. Only when I used the example in the video did it return anything.

Can't see how this is going to give you a retirement lifestyle unless you want to spend your retirement sleeping in a cardboard box. (Not funny - lots of people do and it's no fault of theirs.)

Thanks for your review. +Reps.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks, my friend!
MAX REP to you for your efforts!

Appreciate the share! Thank You!!! +5 reps added for you.
unlock it!!
Great product
Thanks for sharing. Reps added.
Post to unlock this, thanks!
thank you sharing
Thank you very much for the contribution
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