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Full Version: [GET] Writing Erotic Romance for Dummies
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Well, it's not for dummies, just for anyone who wants to learn how to or wants to get better at writing for this potentially lucrative market. I've skimmed this and it seems really useful to me. If you already write you'll still get some pointers. If you don't and believe you can't I think this will show you that you just might be able to - if you just try it and have a nice little primer to help along the way.



And no, I'm not obsessed with erotic fiction, it's just that writing (not erotica) is what I do, so that's always going to be where my gut leads me ;)
Anyone care to reupload this book by Alicia Kent?
(05-19-2013 12:13 AM)darkseid Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone care to reupload this book by Alicia Kent?
Sure thing - just found it elsewhere:
Seems to me hiding the links makes them last longer Wink
thx one- repadded
Reps added for chikiri and one in appreciation of their kind sharing. Have a grand day.
+5 reps added for post #5
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