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Full Version: OLD NEW USER :)
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Hi everyone,

You can call me pearl. I am a digital marketer still learning a lot of ropes to be called a full professional :)

Joined bbhf in 2016, but I've been on and off. Busy with school and all.

Now, I'm back fully.

I must say the resources here are mind blowing and extremely helpful, especially the VIP's awesome

I see reps is like our social coin here, so if anyone can put me through how to earn reps, that'd be great!

I look forward to networking with all the people in this awesome family and getting more connections and online friends

If you're just starting out in digital marketing, and need any help, feel free to PM and I'd help to the best of my ability.

Welcome pearl (or welcome back)

Reps is given for the value you give to others here.

Could be you upload something valuable, help someone out or maybe give advice.

You'll do just fine.

(03-13-2020 07:39 PM)oscarslater Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome pearl (or welcome back)

Reps is given for the value you give to others here.

Could be you upload something valuable, help someone out or maybe give advice.

You'll do just fine.


Thank you!!
Hello Pearl.

Welcome to the forum. I have given you your first courtesy rep. Make sure to give reps to others whenever you download anything or feel someone's post is valuable, and that will make peeps more likely to want to rep you back. Although finding something to share that hasn't been shared already, fulfilling a request, or explaining a new money-making method are much faster ways to get rep.
Just because I can OLD NEW USER...


(03-14-2020 03:37 AM)MoneyMaven Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Pearl.

Welcome to the forum. I have given you your first courtesy rep. Make sure to give reps to others whenever you download anything or feel someone's post is valuable, and that will make peeps more likely to want to rep you back. Although finding something to share that hasn't been shared already, fulfilling a request, or explaining a new money-making method are much faster ways to get rep.

Oh wow! Thanks a whole lot!
(03-14-2020 05:12 AM)equalizer Wrote: [ -> ]Just because I can OLD NEW USER...



You're the best

Welcome back.

Here is a REP for you

Welcome back to the forum. I am also new and there is so much good stuff here.
welcome back dude
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