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Full Version: [GET] Xrumer 5.09 Palladium Working
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[Image: xrumer.png]
+ XRumer 5.05 Palladium will automatically register email boxes on Yandex.Ru and Rambler.Ru
+ XRumer is trained to recognize 50 text captcha
+ Adjusted the processing of engines like: SLAED (registration, editing of profiles) and Drupal
+ The quantity of content harvested by system "AntiSpam" is increased
+ Following bugs in "AntiSpam" systems was fixed:
- the bug with turning off the system
- bug with disconnecting neutral phrases
- bug with the response to "Last post"
+ The file with detailed logs of parsed links in Debug mode: Debug \ URLs_Detailed.txt
+ Set a report of processed forums: Logs \ Spammed id *. txt - it's created during the process of collecting content for "AntiSpam" system (nodes.txt)
+ Now the debug log "poplogs.txt" is not created by default
+ Following changes in manual-mode was added:
- clickable links on the pictures is implemented
- now to disable sounds is possible
- finally the bug with hanging of software in manual mode at 430th captcha is fixed
+ The processing of engine phpBB3 is corrected
+ The logic of selection of category in forum in accordance with the list of priority categories was corrected. If the category is wrote between quotes the software will look into the forum for exact match.
+ The algorithm for downloading activation links is improved
+ Handling of forums in German is improved
+ The grabbing of content in the mask reports is implemented, defined in the new file xgrab.txt
+ The bug with "[not translated]" in interface of XRumer is fixed.
+ Improved the work with Ukoz, realized editing of profiles in Ukoz.
+ Success rate of checking of active links was improved (CheckForActiveLink = 1 in xuser.ini)+ Fixed uploading of avatars to phpBB3 and other engines.
+ Fixed detection of popularity of categories on the forums.
+ XRumer 5.0.12 was trained to pass complicated Java-protection on MyBB engine.
+ Scheduler was improved. In the scheduler table was added opportunity to "drag and drop" tasks.
+ Support of HTTPS-protocol was realized.
+ Updated auto-registration on and Rambler.Ru
+ Field "Signature" in project editing window now can contain multiple lines.
+ Realized the possibility of using variation system in email fields from project editing window (login, password, pop-server).
+ Improved Aggressive posting mode, but the speed of posting now can be a little slower.
+ XRumer 5.05 trained to bypass the protection of "I'm not a Robot" on WP engine.
+ At problems with internet connection, XRumer will pause posting process.
+ Improved recognition of ReCaptcha.
+ Max. quantity of priority categories was increased from 100 to 200
+ Work with forums and profile editing was improved.
+ Work with Invision Power Board (U) v1.3 was improved.
+ Success rate of posting to several forum engines was improved.
+ Was made many improvements of Mass-PM:
1. If the user has setup to not accept PM's then XRumer will skip this user.
2. Parsing of user lists was improved.
3. Increased speed of sending PMs
4. XRumer was trained to new engine: SMF (Simple Machines Forum)
5. Captcha recognition on MassPM was improved.
6. Fixed report of "links to Profiles".
7. Implemented caching of usernames lists from forums - the cache is stored in "MassPM" folder.
8. XRumer can bypass extra protection for sending PMs.
+ Fixed bug with CAPTCHAs, which contain redirect.
+ XRumer 5.0.12 trained to post comments to the PHP-Fusion engine.
+ Added possibility to change email at registration on forums if initial email was banned.
+ XRumer trained in the new engine on ASPX, footprint: inurl: CreateUser.aspx? ReturnUrl =
+ XRumer 5.0.12 trained to post comments on
+ Improved analysis of the texts next to the fields, to detect these fields (but this may increase usage of CPU)
+ XRumer trained make registration on Jamespot : Your own social network engine.
+ Added macro #subject - quote in the message text of subject header.
+ Improved work with DLE engine.
+ XRumer trained to bypass Java-protection for posting comments on Joomla
+ Added option to try to recognize unknown captchas, even if XRumer was not trained to recognize them (CheckUnknownCaptchas xuser.ini)
+ Added possibility to variate parameters of Emails at activation of emails in manual mode.
+Added system of auto-correction of signatures if BBcode in signature filed is not working.
+ XRumer 5.0.12 was trained to bypass text captchas with random generated names of reply fields.
+ Fixed some small bugs and improved interface of XRumer.
+ Help file was updated.

Small errors, opens with error x000000 click and ignore error
Dont click start , Just click resume instead and it will start posting fine.


Please re-up. File not found.
file not available for download, please upload at mediafire or anywhere else where it can be downloaded easily.
Great share, hope you will crack the latest version also.
Can I make profiles with this version?
what is the password?
WOW man that is a good cracked version I have to say I'm impressed.

If anyone can get version 7 cracked and working for me I'll send you $100 right now.
what is the password?
use this on VM. Because this contains viruses.
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