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Full Version: [GET] Top Dog Trading System, Course #2: Momentum as a Leading Indicator
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Quote about Dr Barry Burns, the Author:

I started my study of the markets under the direction of my late father, Patrick F. Burns, who accumulated 70 years of trading experience in his lifetime.

In addition, I hired three professional traders to mentor me personally, and even went to Chicago to work with a former floor trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

All of this research and study resulted in insights which eventually led to the development of my own Top Dog Trading methodology.

This is Course #2.

The COURSE 1: CYCLES AND TRENDS has already been shared here at BBHF.


D/L: 3.5 GB

Magic Button :
Link removed -- please read post #5 .

Better to first download this into your Mega account, and then use MEGAsyncPortable to download it to your computer.

My one-line review: The quality of the teachings is very good for newbies, even some experienced Traders may get some nuggets from both of the Courses, IMO.

If you have access to his other courses, you are welcome to share them, for the benefit of all. TIA.

And reps are welcome, of course. Thanks.
Thanks. top Dog trading materials are very quality one. Thank you for sharingPerfect 10.
Thank You For the Transfer Of Knowledge...Reps of Course
Thanks for the share, reps.
The COURSE 1: CYCLES AND TRENDS already shared here at BBHF is no longer available for downloading. It seems the shared links are being actively taken down, since I could not find the Course anywhere else too after a search.

Lest the same should happen to this Course #2, I am removing the Mega link shared in Post #1. If you need the same, please send me a PM. I will share it with only those who have a minimal desirable reputation / post-count at BBHF. (Although I try to reply all PMs within 24 hours, please be patient until I find time to log into BBHF. Thanks.)
(03-12-2020 10:16 PM)v555 Wrote: [ -> ]The COURSE 1: CYCLES AND TRENDS already shared here at BBHF is no longer available for downloading. It seems the shared links are being actively taken down, since I could not find the Course anywhere else too after a search.

Lest the same should happen to this Course #2, I am removing the Mega link shared in Post #1. If you need the same, please send me a PM. I will share it with only those who have a minimal desirable reputation / post-count at BBHF. (Although I try to reply all PMs within 24 hours, please be patient until I find time to log into BBHF. Thanks.)
Nice move. Well thought-out. Freaking awesome!
@The Jumper :

Thank You !

@ netizens :

I get this message when I tried to reply back to you:

"netizens has reached their private message quota so your message could not be sent."

@ others:

If you have contacted me and have not received a reply back, please know that you have not met the requisite conditions and hence may never receive a reply from me.

A few members who seem to have joined BBHF long back but have absolutely zero reputation to their credit, have contacted me regarding this course, I have ignored them.

@ member oklared :

I tried to reply to your message ( positive ), but received this message:
" oklared has reached their private message quota so your message could not be sent. "

Please contact me again after taking necessary steps.

please reupload link sir
Pages: 1 2
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