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Full Version: [GET] Instabot launched 25 Feb 2020 - endorsed by DARR!
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Because that's how life works... "Paste a link, Relax, and you get paid..."

Reps to the OP for reminding everyone that as long as there are lazy people, there will always be a market for such "products".
I figured that perhaps the original link is now a disused version, so had a poke around and found a different subdomain and the app seems to work better (but it is still buggy) - see the original post where I've updated the link.
The bot no sent the message. No working
Here's something very interesting: there's an Android app called DM Magic which has an identical interface and messges.

Instabot is either a direct ripoff or, more likely, a rebadged version, which is informative, in that it would seem one way to launch products is to licence them from someone else and rebadge them. In this case the Android app is free to use for 5 days and has the same bugs as Instabot. So if you are going to try this strategy make sure you licence a good product not a buggy one.
"Paste a link, Relax, and you get paid..."
if that's true, why would he even sell this product instead of earning affiliate incomes.. arghhh..

but even if it doesnt generate affiliate links, i am interested even if it generates just cold traffic. any luck with that? I have issues sending DMs
does not work
i can not add my Instagram account inside
every time i get an error
thanks friend
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