Anybody know how to create the above effect using chains and lock?
This image was from fiverr and he's charging $10 for the gig. Pretty decent price if you ask me but still I would like to create it myself.
Anybody got experience creating such an effect in ADOBE Photoshop CC?
I know its doable but I'm lacking the skill.
up i would like to know too please
Anybody knows how to achieve the above effect?
Very cool effect! I don’t know how to replicate it but I’m getting some good ideas on how to use it
This's very cool effect but I'm still searching for the template file.
The simplest way is to find the LOCK CHAIN image in transparent PNG somewhere for free or buy it in shutterstock, 123rf, fotolia, alamy or any graphic stock websites, and then just find the one that will fit the book's position and just edit it over the top of the book (such as: the color balance, the smooth edge, the resize, etc)... then you'll have it.
1. Find a HQ hires image of chain and lock that will suit the book's position.
2. Make that chain and lock image transparent by removing the background and unwanted pixels if any.
3. Do the cutting while the image in its original high resolution.
4. Create the book mock-up based on original image of the book's position.
5. Use smart object feature in the cover design, so it will be a template later on.
6. Edit all related effect (color, shadow, gradation, resize, blur, feather, etc...) to blend and make it more real.
7. That's it... you have your own template.
(05-03-2020 02:34 AM)Little Lulu Wrote: [ -> ]1. Find a HQ hires image of chain and lock that will suit the book's position.
2. Make that chain and lock image transparent by removing the background and unwanted pixels if any.
3. Do the cutting while the image in its original high resolution.
4. Create the book mock-up based on original image of the book's position.
5. Use smart object feature in the cover design, so it will be a template later on.
6. Edit all related effect (color, shadow, gradation, resize, blur, feather, etc...) to blend and make it more real.
7. That's it... you have your own template.
LOL ... easy said than done.
Please create a template and share with us.