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Full Version: MMOBSP : Is it all fake or useless ??
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(Making Money By Smart Phones...)
So there I was looking at some videos about energy efficiency and saw in the sidebar somebody's video about making hundred$ or thousand$ per day via phones and apps and automation...and there I went !!

Spent a couple hours chasing this rabbit hole only to notice that all the folks making claims on YT had loads of videos, but no complete methods.
(Funny - just like all the MMO&IM gurus, right ??)

Looked at a couple of their sites too - same things.

But here's what caught my attention:
The 1st guy has nifty looking shelves over his computer desk with rows of small smartphones in cradles - all looking very busy along with a couple of PCs that also had stuff open and running.
This made his claims a bit more credible because it seems unlikely that he built all that neat looking stuff just to make fake videos...or did he ?!?

So now I wonder if there are ANY real ways without having to twiddle phone screens for hours and hours every day that ACTUALLY make some real $$ - like that guy claimed to do with automation.

Any helpful pointers within this subject area will be greatly appreciated !!

BTW, I have a handful of small, non-activated Android phones that are used for stuff like MP3 players and other odd, small tasks - and they are pretty much just like what that guy I mentioned was using.
Most likely lots of folks have some older phones kicking around that aren't used as phones actively anymore and the claim made over and over was that even with like 3 old phones and a PC, some decent $$ could be made.
(I'll believe it when I see it actually happening though...)
So - either this is a totally fake subject, or almost nobody is interested in it - or both ??

Unusual for any MMO stuff to be ignored around here so I guess this is a dead query.
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