What is a good course/training that shows different methods to get clients, specifically web design clients?
I'm looking for online strategies and techniques and scripts so I can get a process or system flow down to be exposing potential clients to my business daily.
Thank You
Hi lord.currency
While I am not in the line of work of getting clients (much rather hide behind my laptop
) perhaps I can share something that may help.
Here is a course shared by Layna
The reason for the recommendation of this course is because the creator of it started out as a web designer and needed to figure out how to get clients as well. I think learning the skill of writing sales copy is crucial in getting any kind of customers or clients.
Here is the sales page for it:
It's a pretty cool story.
I hope this helps.
try networking
for example BNI:)
There are tons of job sites out there for getting clients directly tho. most don't even ask you for much in terms of requirements!