I am just curious as to how many of our members are truly making a living wage online. There are thousands of info products on our forum to learn from and I am wondering how many of us are really using them to make a living?
I am truly only making chicken feed but in all honesty have not put in the effort and time to do really well at it. I am hoping to change this as I am now semi retired and working a "JOB" only one day per week now.
Are there any groups out here that are working together and coaching or supporting one another in their endeavors to do better here?
Let's talk about how we are truly doing and what we can do to help one another.
I personally do cpa and paid ads. I like how it goes. May be you look into it too.
Earning money online has proven to be a tiring thing which requires a lot of patience and time but it has also proven to be fruitful. I have a blog and currently I am trying to build an audience , so basically right now the goal is building identity and not earning but I think I will get there too someday. I have read many successful journeys on this forum which really boost up your spirits. Sharing our experiences would be the best help we can provide, that's what I think.
(06-15-2020 06:50 AM)briggsn Wrote: [ -> ]Earning money online has proven to be a tiring thing which requires a lot of patience and time but it has also proven to be fruitful. I have a blog and currently I am trying to build an audience , so basically right now the goal is building identity and not earning but I think I will get there too someday. I have read many successful journeys on this forum which really boost up your spirits. Sharing our experiences would be the best help we can provide, that's what I think.
I think that's a great idea by building an audience from your blog. It is one of the "surest" models I know of to make a decent living off the internet. It tends to be a slower model (in the early days of the method...) but after the audience sees that you are "for real" they hang on to you.
Many years ago I started my first blog, on Blogger [free]. I wrote on the blog daily, in a "look over my shoulder as I do this" structure. Then I recapped my results (for free) after each week in an email to those who requested the follow-ups. INSTANT EMAIL LIST. [The most interested blog readers joined this]
NOTE: I spent zero money on hosting, no advertising whatsoever, and used a free autoresponder and a gmail address. Just my time and mental creativity.
My audience grew steadily from referrals from my new opt-ins and "mentions" on other websites. After my first month I had 150 on my email list. Within a year I had 1100 people on my list. Then I made an offer for my audience. VERY successful, because they liked and trusted me.
And in another six months the list doubled.... (By the time I moved on to better things - the Lifetime Value of EACH PERSON on my "free" email list was more than $200, as incredible as it may seem. And no, not everyone on the FREE list bought something. A decent percentage of the list ended up investing in training and consulting packages that raised the Lifetime Value number to such a decent level. And a half dozen of them are my closest friends.)
A loyal audience is gold!
It doesn't matter what the topic of your blog is, as long as it is about something that a significant number of people really want to accomplish and that thing they want to accomplish has a reasonably high $$$ value or life enhancement value. And the target audience has some money to spend to achieve "that thing".
A couple of posts about blogs that might interest you...
I think we can help each other by sharing some business ideas. As for me, I have my small website. Can't say it's rather successful but I've made a large progress
(05-21-2022 01:53 AM)John_Black Wrote: [ -> ]I think we can help each other by sharing some business ideas.
Good day
What you are talking about has been done many many times in here.
I myself have posted some of those ideas with detailed steps, how I started, what I did etc.
Search with word journey... Even though many are in the VIP section, still few are available for all.
I hope this helps.
(05-30-2022 06:23 AM)tupac Wrote: [ -> ] (05-21-2022 01:53 AM)John_Black Wrote: [ -> ]I think we can help each other by sharing some business ideas.
Good day
What you are talking about has been done many many times in here.
I myself have posted some of those ideas with detailed steps, how I started, what I did etc.
Search with word journey... Even though many are in the VIP section, still few are available for all.
I hope this helps.
Thanks for sharing buddy! I'll read your threads for sure =)
I run a web hosting company - we are large resellers (the main business).
still, I have several different income streams, and keep working on these :)
Best! H