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Full Version: [REQ] Coloring Books Empire
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This is from a crybaby Skorpio aka Mr. Zamboni

If someone shares his course, he will contact the admin to remove it. He downloaded tons of free courses on bbhf, but if we share his, he will be mad af. You have nothing to miss guys. Most of his courses are rehash from other courses. Even he got called out by Tony Laidig on warrior forum for rehashing his course. And guess what? He cried and asked for forgiveness to Tony and finally he sold that course to other similar course creators. Zamboni doesn't have enough knowledge of what he is teaching. He makes money by telling people how to make money. Nuff said.
Agreed, that turd joined this forum to cry to the mods
bump bump for this!
bump for this please
Here is Tony Laidig's Coloring Book Masterclass:

(02-05-2020 03:23 PM)show Wrote: [ -> ]Here is Tony Laidig's Coloring Book Masterclass:


Thanks man
No one to share? Bump again
It look like another crappy product from tony but I don’t know why I still want to see what it have
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