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Full Version: [GET] Friend of the Court ENEMY of the Family - Child Custody PDF
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This is an older (somewhat dated) PDF book written by Carol Rhodes who discusses the horrific Family Court system in the USA and how it totally wrecks families in order to make money for the Lawyers, Judges, Court Administrators and State Governments.

Especially useful for men who are going through this process to gain custody of their kids and helps explain where they should start and what they should do. (although, a lawyer is highly recommended, this PDF is a good primer).

[Image: friend-of-the-court-enemy-of-the-family.jpg]

Here is a link to the PDF:
Friend of the Court Enemy of the Family PDF
Worthy of a look...definite enemies to the wholeness of families and used as such too often:
Sent out the PDF to all those that have requested it.
Thanks and have a great weekend!
mthomas, I would love to get a copy of this guide. +5 reps added to your stats. Thanks
re up pls ty

Would appreciate a copy please
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