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Full Version: [REQ] Astra theme 'agency' templates
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Using the astra wp theme and would like to import some of the ready made sites but a lot of them are marked as Agency. DOes anyone have any of these (or all :) to share or any way that I can get hold of them?

Thanks and regards, :)
i need this too..
(04-18-2020 07:49 PM)jimms Wrote: [ -> ]i need this too..

Jimms, send me a PM with your email address, I got this already.

TO everyone else, NO, I can't share this so please don't ask either on here or via PM.
I am looking for this one too. Can anyone share it?
I also need. Any other person here willing to share?
great, then Jimms might have a nulled version of this one ...
and shre us all ;)
(04-18-2020 08:26 PM)tinamou99 Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-18-2020 07:49 PM)jimms Wrote: [ -> ]i need this too..

Jimms, send me a PM with your email address, I got this already.

TO everyone else, NO, I can't share this so please don't ask either on here or via PM.
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