01-09-2020, 02:11 PM
Bundle of Courses Exiled from Udemy
We have to make our own backups and mirrors of Udemy courses for prevention and to share ONLY the removed courses!
I know that Udemy.com rules are necessary, but we will have to start downloading some or all our already bought courses and make our own backups and mirrors, for prevention, for personal use, and to share ONLY the removed courses (because we don't rip to share publicly the Udemy courses for respect to the authors copyrights; in the Udemy Section rules)
;) Thanks for the support Smithnowt and Thorn bros, read their right quotes here:
Magic Button :
(01-09-2020 07:16 PM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Angelcrc7. Any insights as to why this course was removed ?? (angelcrc7: no, Udemy is deleting good courses without any explanation, but they do not delete crap courses, that have no sense, but we have to live with that reality)
It seems odd that a 5-star rated course would get removed when they leave so much other utter junk running forever there.
Yes, I agree 100% - those are terrible filesharing sites.
This highlights the goodness of grabbing course content in an appropriately sized format along with all materials for local uses...no buffering or hogging of computer resources by Udemy's own horrid site - nor any need to use awful filesharing sites either.
Thanks also to thorn bro for the support also:
(01-09-2020 10:51 AM)thorn Wrote: [ -> ]I finally managed to get access to this course and Udemy took away my ability to view it? With all of the positive reviews, that is quite a loss.
I agree with your statement Angel, "we will have to start downloading courses and make our own backup mirrors!"
Since you are such a magnanimous contributor on this forum, I'm sure any efforts made regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated by all the members.
Note: The Udemy Section rules should not apply for deleted courses and do not apply for those deleted courses shared in this section of classic collection of courses!
Magic Button :
We always respect the copyright of the authors, for that reason we do not share publicly our backups or mirrors of the courses that we bought at Udemy.
But because this course was removed by Udemy without any warning or explanation and many of us loose a course already bought, this could be an exception to our rule.
------------------------------------------ 1)
Sales Copy 2020-The Complete High Income Copywriting Academy | 23 Hours (removed from Udemy)
Read about this good course that was removed and get the download links in post #2. And please help us to do upload the course in Mega and MediaFire.Sales Copy 2020-The Complete High Income Copywriting Academy | 23 Hours (removed from Udemy)
------------------------------------------ 2)
25 Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking and IT Courses (removed from Udemy)
Peace and success, from your angel bro!