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Full Version: [REQ] $39,089 A Month - Google Trends by DeAngelo
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Bring It On....
I hope to get this too.
(01-04-2020 10:10 PM)simonweb Wrote: [ -> ]I hope to get this too.

Yes...totally agree!

The $1,200 in one night is very interesting.

It appears he is using the daily trending topics.

The BIG question is how he is ranking instantly for these topics...maybe YouTube??
Interested in seeing this too TIA
He does dropshipping and has many videos explaining the arbitrage opportunities on youtube. I'm sure this is related to using Google trends to promote products through drop shipping.

BUMP though ...
watching this!
(01-05-2020 05:00 AM)sharpchopstick Wrote: [ -> ]He does dropshipping and has many videos explaining the arbitrage opportunities on youtube. I'm sure this is related to using Google trends to promote products through drop shipping.

BUMP though ...

Thank you for the info sharpchopstick.

Do you have any idea what web property he's using to rank instantly and get traffic for these Google trends topics?

Is he using an authority website such as Medium or is he using YouTube or Google sites??
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