12-29-2019, 04:20 AM
Just a set of PSM 1 Certification Exam questions that can help you with your upcoming exam.
Peace and success! :)
Note: All coupons have limited time, no more than 3 days, or limited unknown slots sometimes only 10 :(, as new Udemy rules; so hurry up!
5 Practice Tests
0.0 (0 ratings)
523 students enrolled
Created by Nilesh Wadhwa: Professional ISTQB and Agile Certified SQA, 4 years of experience in IT industry
Published 12/2019
Peace and success! :)
Note: All coupons have limited time, no more than 3 days, or limited unknown slots sometimes only 10 :(, as new Udemy rules; so hurry up!
5 Practice Tests
0.0 (0 ratings)
523 students enrolled
Created by Nilesh Wadhwa: Professional ISTQB and Agile Certified SQA, 4 years of experience in IT industry
Published 12/2019