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Full Version: Internet Download Manager IDM Full No Patch Tutorial - Update Regularly
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Do you know that you can easily bypass IDM to get the full version without any hack/patch?
You can do it yourself, by editing hex values of IDMan.exe
In rar file I hexed newest version 6.35 build 17 already so you can use, no need to hex again.
0- Update IDM to the newest version
1- Unrar Hex1.rar and copy IDMan.exe to Hex folder
2- run HxD
3- File > Open > Choose IDMan.exe
4- Ctrl + F or choose Search > Find
5- Datatype: Hex-values Search Direction: All
6- Search the following hex

A/ First Hex
03 00 00 00 8B 4D F4 64 89 0D 00 00 00 00 5F

Change to
00 00 00 00 8B 4D F4 64 89 0D 00 00 00 00 5F

B/ Next Hex
EB 04 85 C0 74 6D

Change to
EB 71 85 C0 74 6D

C/ The last Hex
14 00 00 0F 87

There are 2 similar hex so now press F3 to get the second one
Change to
14 00 00 0F 86

Done with hex, close HxD and choose to save new IDMan.exe, the old one with be change to IDMan.exe.bak
6- Copy new IDMan.exe back to IDM folder.

7- Register IDM
Open IDM, Registration > Registration
Type any information you want and use one of the keys below

> IDM will close, just open again and voila you have registered IDM.
I'm trying this. Thanks man.

Cool sig by the way, lol.
Thanks and reps IMAddicted

seems to work, but registration is grayed out, and program closes sometimes,
but works OK with browser Integration Module
success thank's. +rep added
NAMASTE...reps added for great share and again for the lesson
6.35 build 18 Hexed already. Hex same as build 17
For anyone hexed build 17, if you added key then you just need to hex IDMan.exe no need to add license key again.
IDM 6.36 same Hex as 6.35 build 17
Here is IDMan.exe hexed already

I tried using your Hex pattern replacements on the latest version
I used DUP2 (Diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher) as the Byte Patcher
and it patched the 1st occurrence of Pattern C (automatically) with no ill effect.
Everything seems to works fine.
Congrats on an excellent crack,
+15 Reps added
(01-01-2020 09:14 AM)1nd1g0 Wrote: [ -> ]

I tried using your Hex pattern replacements on the latest version
I used DUP2 (Diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher) as the Byte Patcher
and it patched the 1st occurrence of Pattern C (automatically) with no ill effect.
Everything seems to works fine.
Congrats on an excellent crack,
+15 Reps added
you can hex 1st occurrence of Pattern C, it will work but not for scheduler.
That's why you have to hex 2nd occurrence.

You are right - the downloads were not appearing in the list of downloads - so I started again from scratch.
I used the following for Pattern C:
0F 87 7F 0F 00 00
and replaced with:
0F 86 7F 0F 00 00
that pattern only has 1 match - it now seems to work without any errors.
I use DUP2 Version 2.25 - it took me years to find DUP2 that had been updated to 2.25, lol - it is perfect!
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