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Full Version: [GET] Elementor PRO Activated PLUS Pro-Templates!
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Great share op. I really appreciate this share! let me check if it working.
How to update? can i click on the button UPDATE inside the WP dashboard?
Any chance of getting the latest version of elementor pro 2.8.3? Thanks!
Hello mate,

D/L and installed and even updated to the latest version...
Working like a charm Perfect 10

Cheers and kindest regards,
Are you able to install a pro template page with the license error? Seems the rest of us cannot.

(04-07-2020 07:00 AM)ebizmoney Wrote: [ -> ]Hello mate,

D/L and installed and even updated to the latest version...
Working like a charm Perfect 10

Cheers and kindest regards,
Yes, unable to update to the latest version. Error: Update failed.
thanks bud appreciated and max reps to ya
Anyone else having this issue?

I installed these plugins on a brand new...

Domain (registered less than 5 days ago)
Brand new hosting account
Fresh wordpress install (via cpanel and softalicious)

This is currently the ONLY 2 plugins installed and active on the website (other than the Askimet and Hello Dolly, both of which are inactive).

Begin building out the site as I have used other sitebuilder plugins in the past and I wanted to try this one to see if it was better than what I have used.

Since using this plugin the last 3 days...

My Admin Username has been changed TWICE, which obviously locked me out of the site...

Now, I am not saying this plugin has any malicious code, I am just asking if anyone else who has installed this plugin has had a similar experience?

Thanks for playing,

does not work for me
No Sir, you actually didn't. What you updated was the pre-activated basic version. You certainly did not update the pre-activated pro version as it's not possible.

And for y'all thinking you missed something, you missed nothing. The OP said you get the whole pro templates, for which he is correct. He did not say you update the pro plugin. So stop crying.
Thanks Jasmine D

(04-07-2020 07:00 AM)ebizmoney Wrote: [ -> ]Hello mate,

D/L and installed and even updated to the latest version...
Working like a charm Perfect 10

Cheers and kindest regards,
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