There's a Science behind successful Online Courses. If you want to Create them, then you need to know it.
Instructed by Aimee Prasek, PhD
Published 12/2019
Great course indeed! Glad to see that the course is working really as a F4LT! Many many thanks Extraño bro! :)
-----------ADVICE: If you have ISSUES getting this course for FREE (as in my case), then try the 2 SOLUTIONS shared here:
OR: Simply click the "enroll now" button!!! (despite its price, maybe you could still enroll for free; because of another Udemy issue sometimes)
Reps to Extraño!
Sadly, this course is no longer free.
Tested again and the course is still FREE... Just try the 2 solutions shared in post 2!
Reps to Extraño!
Not sure how or why, but going to the link in the #1 post now opens up to a page that offers the course for free.
Thanks for the share, reps added.